UCC Medical School (where Dr. Inyushin Lab is situated) is a nonprofit organisation registered and acted in Puerto Rico, and UCC is certified as the tax exempt entity under Section 1101.01 of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. UCC is serving the community, educating medical doctors and other medical professionals. It is created and administrated exclusively for scientific and education purposes ( Artículo 1101.01(a)(2)-1).
If you decide to donate to the research in Dr. Inyushin Lab you can make a check payable to UCC Medical School, or made a money transfer. The instructions to receive a wire transfer in our bank account are as follow:
* Beneficiary Bank IBAN or Account Number: 252-005039
* Banco Popular’s Swift ID or ABA Number: BPPRPRSX or 021502011
Remember that it is necessary that the donor send a communication describing the use that should be given to the money and any reporting requirements. Any questions or additional information you may need, please contact the lab.
Artículo 1101.01(a)(2)-1.- Organizaciones que brindan servicio a la comunidad.-
(a) En general.- (1) Corporaciones y cualquier fondo comunal, fondo o fundación,
creados y administrados exclusivamente para:
(i) fines caritativos;
(ii) fines científicos;
(iii) fines literarios;
(iv) fines educativos